
  • Migrations go in the scripts/ directory.
  • Use a main() function which runs the migration. Avoid import side-effects.
  • When possible, include a function that lists the records that will be affected by the migration. These are useful in an interactive session for doing dry runs.
def get_targets():
    """Generate the nodes to migrate."""
    return (node for node in Node.find(Q('category', 'nin', Node.VALID_CATEGORIES)))
  • Use Python’s logging module for logging output. In addition, use scripts.utils.add_file_logger to add a file handler that will add timestamped log file in website.settings.LOG_PATH.
  • Add tests in the scripts/tests directory.

Below is the skeleton of an example migration.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Script to migrate nodes with invalid categories."""

import sys
import logging

from website.app import init_app
from scripts import utils as script_utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def do_migration(records, dry=True):
    # ... perform the migration ...

def get_targets():
    # ... return the StoredObjects to migrate ...

def main(dry=True):
    init_app(set_backends=True, routes=False)  # Sets the storage backends on all models
    do_migration(get_targets(), dry=dry)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dry = '--dry' in sys.argv
    if not dry:
        script_utils.add_file_logger(logger, __file__)
from tests.base import OsfTestCase

class TestMigrateNodeCategories(OsfTestCase):

    def test_get_targets(self):
        # ...

    def test_do_migration(self):
        # ...