Version Control

General Guidelines

We use git for version control. Some general guidelines:

Useful Tools

  • SourceTree - Mac OS X; GUI.
  • gitflow - Cross-platform; CLI.
  • hub - GitHub integration with the git CLI. Very useful for checking out pull requests.

An Important Note About Hotfixes

Many git-flow tools will try to force you to merge hotfix branches into master before publishing code to a hosting service (e.g. Github). Do not do this. Just push your hotfix branch on its own and send a pull request.

# Push a new hotfix branch up to origin
$ git push -u origin hotfix/nav-header-size

Package and App Maintainers: Release How-to

Hotfix releases

  • Once a hotfix PR has been checked out locally and code review is complete, rename the hotfix branch with the incremented PATCH number.
# hotfix/fix-serialization-bug is currently checked out
# rename with version number
$ git branch -m hotfix/0.16.3
  • Finish the hotfix with git-flow.
$ git flow hotfix finish 0.16.3
  • When prompted to add a tag message, write a brief (1-2 sentence) description of the hotfix.


You can also use the hotfix invoke task to automatically rename the current hotfix branch and finish it.

$ invoke hotfix --finish
  • Push develop and master. Push tags.
$ git push origin develop
$ git push origin master
$ git push --tags
  • Once Travis tests pass, deploy to production and staging.

Feature releases

  • Once develop is ready for release, start a release branch with git-flow.
$ git flow release start 0.17.0
  • Update the CHANGELOG and bump the version where necessary. Commit changes.
  • Finish the release with git-flow
$ git flow release finish 0.17.0
  • If prompted to add a tag message, write See CHANGELOG.
  • Push develop and master. Push tags.
$ git push origin develop
$ git push origin master
$ git push --tags
  • Once Travis tests pass, deploy to production and staging.